Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 4: Anxiety on the Rise.

This was a pretty fun week in general.  We went to clinicals for the first time and a field trip to the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) hearing in San Diego.  Yea there was lecture, lab, and exam #1, but I won't bore you with that stuff this week.

Meds, Meds, Meds!

Monday was more medication administration practice.  Medication Administration can be a b*tch, unless you play the role of patient who gets to lie in bed and take pictures as the student nurses research your medication. (FYI, if you wonder why you see the same people in my pictures, their in my clinical group and I know they don' t mine me taking their pictures)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 3: "Are you guys doctors?" No, I'm a NURSE!!!!!!

I thought I'd approach this entry more or less like a nurse interacting with a patient.  It's somewhat chronological, but it's somewhat topical too.  Why do it this way you ask? Umm, I thought it would be fun, haha.  What you see in quotes is what I have been saying repeatedly for the better part of three weeks.  Now on to Week 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 2: Its Only Week 2!?!?

I say that because there has only been 7 official school days and it seems much longer.  Week 2 was also a special week since we went to senior centers to begin learning how to effectively communicate with people.

Before I get into recapping, let me try to give you an idea of what is Nursing Process I.  It's basically an all-in-one course that teaches us basic nursing skills.  It includes lecture (where we learn theory), lab (where we practice nursing skills), and clinical (where we put nursing skills into practice).  Being a 10 unit nursing class, the class is team-taught.  There are 3 full-time instructors who I consider the show-runners for the class.  These 3 including 3 additional part-time instructors also take students to the hospital on clinical days.  There have been other part-time instructors who have given lectures or demonstrated nursing skills in lab.  The immediate benefit is the amount of attention each the instructors can give to each student during lab and clinical time.  I don't have to listen to same person lecture day in and day out.  It basically keeps everything vibrant and exciting.  I've personally love the way the class is set up.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week 1: The Beginning!

In any story, there has to be a beginning, and Day 1 was boring!  It began at 8AM, everyone was quiet and no one seem to know anyone.  We were lead into the computer lab, and the next two hours I managed to stay away listening to more procedural guidelines for the rest of the semester.  Next we went into the old nursing building for a math review, and it smelled bad in there!  I had a headache for whatever I was sniffing in that room.  Thankfully we had about 4 hours before lecture, so I went home for a nap.

This should be interesting!

The first week of nursing school ended and I thought why not write a recap of my week of nursing school.  The hope is that this will give readers of my blog some insight into my experiences in becoming a nurse and give myself a way to vent about all the fun and suffering that occurred that week.  I want to be able to look back at all the posts in June of 2012 and say, "Edwyn, you were such an idiot back then.  Now look at where you're at!"

The goal is to post for each week of the semester, for the next 4 semesters.  So 64 blog post, easy right?